Donation presentation during our Christmas celebration to the Förderverein für Krebskranke Kinder Tübingen e.V. (an association for children with cancer)

Courage – Help – Hope
Courage for life – Help for children with cancer – The hope of a completely normal life:
Projects of this Tübingen association for the support and assistance of children with cancer and their families are truly dear to our hearts. Our Christmas raffle has enabled us once again this year to help the association to realise planned targets and projects.
Help where it is needed, uncomplicated and direct – this is how our donation reaches the wards of the Children’s Clinic in Tübingen. Our motivation and social commitment should be effective where a strong lobby is unfortunately missing. With this in mind, Dietmar Rogg, our CEO, and Oliver Laun, our Commercial Director, presented a cheque for EUR 4,250 to Mr Simschek from the Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder Tübingen e.V.
As in previous years, we wish to support the voluntary work of the association with our donation. Further information is available at