Operate 2 swimming pool features
with 1 pump
WKvario is the economical combination for compac t pools. It enables to operate 2 attractions alternatively with only one pump. This is possible by an automatic switching valve without a mechanism or electronics. WKvario consists of the counter current system XANAS® or rondo and can be combined with a fluvo® water curtain or hydro-massage nozzles. The massage nozzles or the water curtain are activated if the counter current system is shut off. WKvario combines sporty counter current swimming with a relaxing massage.

Counter current system
& water curtain
- Non-return valve
- Outlet water curtain
- WKvario module
- Outlet counter current system
- Suction
- Air regulation
- Water regulation

Counter current system
& hydro-massage
- Outlet hydro-massage
- WKvario module
- Outlet counter current system
- Suction
- Air regulation
- Water regulation
- Combination with counter current system XANAS® or rondo with alternatively a fluvo® water curtain (e.g. cobra®) or 1 to 3 hydro-massage nozzles
- Control through counter current system
Technical data
- Flow: 60 m³/h resp. 1.000 l/min
- Motor power: 3,0 kW